Welcome to Owl & Olive

“In America, one must be something, but in Italy one can simply be.” – Pietros Maneos

At Owl and Olive we hope you will join us as we celebrate a few of life’s essentials: family, friends, nourishing food, delicious drink, quality music, and thoughtful conversation.

As plans take shape in the coming years we hope that Owl and Olive becomes your favorite place to celebrate life’s milestones with family, friends and business associates – old and new. A place where you feel free to “simply be,” enjoying the stunning natural beauty of our surroundings while savoring food and drink that nurtures both body and soul. Welcome to Owl and Olive – explore all we have to offer and start planning your visit by foot, hoof, peddle, paddle or wheel!

The Origins of “Owl & Olive”

If this is your first visit, you may have some questions about who we are, what we are about and why the name “Owl and Olive”? Let’s see if we can bring things into focus for you.

It started in 2005 when we were looking for a place to raise our young and growing family. One sunny afternoon we arrived at a historic farmstead located on the banks of the upper Chehalis River. While exploring the farm we entered the large gambrel barn. As we looked upward at the amazing vaulted ceiling a beautiful white barn owl silently glided from one end of the barn to the other before flying outside through the massive barn doors. At the time it seemed a sign of sorts. From nearly that day forward a plan took shape. Take a beautiful century old barn, fill it with friends and family, and celebrate life’s milestones and special moments – big and small. Now you understand the “Owl.”

Now for the “Olive” – or more accurately Olives – who can ever enjoy just one? Those who savor them in their varied sizes, shapes, textures and flavors understand. For us, Olives – and olive oil – are also a symbol of good food enjoyed after a day of hard work. It reminds us of time spent in warmer climates traveling or studying abroad. Most recently it reminds us of wholesome food made with quality ingredients and inspired by the cultures and good health of simple Mediterranean cuisine that we enjoy preparing for our family and friends.

So there you have it – a formula we hope you will grow to appreciate:

  • Gather with family and friends – old and new.
  • Foster a sense of place and hospitality under the beams of a century old barn.
  • Enjoy simple quality ingredients shared around a table, nourishing body and soul.

Ready to experience Owl and Olive? Email us at events@owlandolive.net to plan and schedule your event today!